Big Sandy Mecical Center is dedicated to providing you with the highest quality, cost effective medical care. We accept all major credit cards and offer payment installments.
Plain-Language Summary of Financial Assistance Policy (FAP)
Big Sandy Medical Center will provide emergency and medically necessary
healthcare services for free or at discounted rates to you the patient if you are
uninsured or have limited insurance. Generally speaking, patients
eligible for free care must have family incomes under 100% of the Federal
Poverty Guidelines; patients eligible for discounted charges must have family
incomes under 200% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines, while in both cases, patients must not have available assets above established thresholds. Financial assistance may also be available in other limited circumstances, depending on the size of the patient's medical bills and whether the patient meets certain other criteria for eligibility.
Patients seeking financial assistance may apply by completing a Financial Assistance Application below.
Copies of the Billing and Collection Policy and the Financial Assistance Policy are available below. Patients
may also request free copies of the Application and these policies by calling 406-378-3907.
Completed Financial Assistance Applications and required supporting materials may be submitted by:
• Hand-delivering to Big Sandy Medical Center Business Office personnel at the following address:
166 Montana Avenue E, Big Sandy, Montana
• Mailing to Big Sandy Medical Center, Attn: Business Office Representative at the following address:
PO Box 530, Big Sandy, MT 59520
Persons seeking more information or needing assistance in completing the Financial Assistance Application
may contact one of the Hospital's Business Office staff at 406-378-3907.
A patient qualifying for financial assistance under Big Sandy Medical Center's Financial Assistance Policy will
not be charged more than the amounts generally billed by the Hospital for the same services provided to
individuals who have insurance covering such care.
Billing and Collecting for Services Provided:
It is the purpose of BSMC to provide quality care for the community of Big Sandy and the surrounding area. The maintenance of this non-profit medical center can best be attained within the framework of sound fiscal management. The following policy states the basic requirements of BSMC's credit and collection effort.
All patients possessing orders from a staff physician will be admitted regardless of their ability to pay. BSMC will provide, without discrimination, care for emergency medical conditions within the meaning of the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA), section 1867 of the Social Security Act to individuals regardless of their eligibility under the medical center's Financial Assistance Program(s).
To read a complete copy of the BSMC Billing and Collection Policy, please click on the document below.
Financial Assistance Program (FAP):
Big Sandy Medical Center realizes that paying for health care services can sometimes be a financial hardship, especially if you are uninsured. It is our goal to ensure you get the healthcare services you need by reducing the concern over paying for these services.
You may be eligible for free or discounted services based on your income level and using what is called a Sliding Fee Scale, which means the lower your income the higher the discount. We have included below our Sliding Fee Discount Policies and most current Sliding Fee Scale. If you believe you qualify for reduced-cost services, please complete the fillable Application Form, print, and sign it and mail it to us along with the requested documentation
We are here to assist you Monday through Friday, 8:30am - 4:30pm by calling our Patient Account Representative at 406-378-3907.