
Rural Health Clinic

The Rural Health Clinic Soft Opening was August 5, 2024. While there are still some kinks to work out and boxes to unpack, patients are enjoying receiving care in the new building. They state it is sleek, spacious, and so nice! A grand opening will be planned for the Fall of 2024.

The Critical Alert Call Light System Installation

The call light system installation is underway! The team from Schine Electric has been working diligently to place the necessary wiring throughout the facility to accommodate the new system. The system will include a main terminal at the nurse's station that will allow staff to view not just the patient's room, but also the amount of time they've been waiting and specific requests from that patient. Nursing staff will be issued badges that will also be tracked inside the facility to help locate helping hands when needed, but even more exciting for staff and patients alike; those badges will automatically turn off the call light upon entering the room. No more reaching around furniture or over beds to cancel the call light!


Current Building Remodel

The architects have been working closely with the Leadership team to make plans for moving forward. The remodel can begin after the clinic operations have moved to their own building. There will be many changes to the clinic/hospital side of the building, but the biggest priority will be making space for the CT machine in the current clinic space. Some of the halls and bathrooms will be adjusted to meet the most recent ADA regulations. The Lab and the Patient Accounts representative will be more easily accessible. There will also be space for a Pain Management provider. All exciting things! It's been over 30 years since the last big update to the structure of the building.

The HVAC Overhaul

BSMC prides itself on our patient care. Part of that is keeping the environment comfortable and safe for patients and staff alike. After some system failures it became evident the HVAC system in the building needed improvements. We have teamed with FICO to begin the first phase of a system overhaul in the building. The hope is to begin the project by the fall of 2024.


Dining Room Expansion-completed Spring 2024

Thanks to funding from the Medical Guild and grant funds, the dining room expansion is complete! This allows for more space during meals, activities, and other gatherings. Residents can maneuver with more freedom in the area, allowing them to be more independent and foster better relationships in our community. As we see our rooms remain full, our residents needing more equipment to remain independent, and our adventurous activities continue, this space will be appreciated for years to come.

The Kitchen Addition-completed Fall 2023

The addition has been completed! The walk-in coolers are operational, the dry pantry is fully stocked, and the dock has been working wonderfully for the weekly truck deliveries. The kitchen staff are grateful for the additional space and save a lot of time gathering supplies for meals without having to go all the way to the basement.

Hallway Makeover

With the expansion of the dining room, came a makeover for this area of the hospital. Wainscotting, fresh paint, and new decorations certainly improved the appearance of the space. Not only is it more aesthetically pleasing, but it also acts as an infection prevention strategy allowing for easier and more thorough cleaning of the wall surface, as well as protecting the walls from accidental scuffs from medical equipment.